Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008

Ala Wai Boat Harbor & Hawaii Yacht Club

Zac and Ben at the North Shore

Note from Mom:

Zac is working on his blog and it will definitely be worth waiting for! We had a great time visiting with him in Oahu. It was hard to say goodbye yesterday evening when Laurence, Ben and I flew out on the red eye for California. Besides some reprovisioning and repairs, Zac has been surfing, snorkling, shopping, EATING, filming and many other exciting things that he will elaborate on tomorrow. Consider it a homework asignment!

Zac was planning on leaving Wednesday the 16th but will be put off another day waiting for a clean bill of health on his solar panels.

I also want to note that because of some ill-founded and inappropriate comments on Zac's blog, we have initiated the 'moderated post' setting at blogger.com. Basically, we will be reading over all posts before publishing them to the site. Swearing, insulting and encouraging Zac to disregard his parents aren't what this site is here to promote. We love hearing from you all - even doubters or critics who are fair and based on fact. Zac's desire is to be an inspiration to people and we would like to keep the atmospere around here as positive as possible.

I hope you will be understanding of this but as always, we appreciate your comments. Let's try to keep this site about following Zac's adventure and encouraging him to be a positive role model.



Links to Hawaii articles:





Anonymous Anonymous said...


As a parent I may be biased, but I completely agree with your sentiment and your actions in regards to moderating the comments. Zac obviously did not leave home to get away from his parents and he clearly did not leave his own common sense at home either when he left California, so I'm sure he'd be the first to agree with your actions. To have a mother and father who would support him in such an extraordinary (and potentially very hazardous) quest is nothing short of amazing, really. He is an extremely fortunate young man, and it's clear he appreciates his blessings. I add my kudos to him and to you, his wonderful family, who have to be as strong, in your own way, as he must be to reach his goal. I will be following his journey with utmost interest - and sharing it with my own children, as I have already been doing - as well as giving some financial support when I can. Good sailing!

July 15, 2008 at 11:00 PM  
Blogger mch said...

Hey Zac,
Great going so far! Ignore the negative crap, you have a great family and alot of people backing you up!! Have fun and enjoy the ride, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Look forward to reading more!

July 15, 2008 at 11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear the news. Zac you look great!! We are all very eager for you to get under way. We think of you often, pray for you often and between all of us I would guess that your website and blog gets checked at least 10 times per day!! What you are doing is Grand and we are so excited to be a tiny part of it.
Stay encouraged and go for it!!
Jerry, Kristi, Brady, Brooklin, Kasey, Keliann, Morgan and Matthew...(Morgan and Matthew draw pictures of you on your boat)

July 15, 2008 at 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear things going well in HI.

Web site note: In Photo Gallery, "Boat Preparation" set, the first 8 or 9 pictures enlarge just fine. After that, "Error 404: Page Not Found."

July 15, 2008 at 11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the need to moderate an active blog is almost always an unfortunate necesity. Thanks for your support of Zac's dream and for helping him to share it with the world.

July 16, 2008 at 12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Marianne!

Can hardly wait for your next leg Zac! It's a gift and a curse this blogging stuff! I love to follow your course on Google Earth - it's amazing how we can follow so closely! Cheers!

A fan from Canada

July 16, 2008 at 12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zac, glad to hear that will be posting again shortly! yours trip has captured my imagination - oh to be young and adventurous again.

You are probably unaware
that your time on land, without posting is causing us Zacolytes severe withdrawal symptoms.

I have been following your trip since your blog started; I can't remember where I heard about your mission. I cannot understand how anyone could possibly find anything negative in what you are trying to achieve; let alone post uncalled for responses about it.

You have no idea how much my Google Earth skills have improved since learning how to plot your daily positions :-). I had only vaguely heard of it before Zac. Now I am using it as a planning tool for our farming operations here!

Do you (anyone?) have any idea when you are due to reach Durban/Capetown here in South Africa? I am sure the local TV/Radio stations will be very interested in covering this journey.

Zac, 99.9% of people who are aware of your trip support you fully. Don't lose any sleep over the tiny minority of detractors.

Good luck, strong winds and smooth sailing. look forward to your arrival in SA.

July 16, 2008 at 1:37 AM  
Blogger Melody Y said...

Hi ZAC! looking forward for your newset and latest updates on ur blog!

till next tme

July 16, 2008 at 2:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and the pictures, Marrianne.
Sorry to hear that you had to enable the moderate post function. Hope you had a good flight home.

We are all looking forward to reading Zac's next homework assignment.


July 16, 2008 at 3:37 AM  
Blogger Ptolemy said...

To find the video for the second link -- go to "local" and scroll down. Great to see the news and can't wait to hear about the repairs and see you started on the next leg!

July 16, 2008 at 3:39 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Turning on post moderation was definitely a good idea. The blog's had me a little confused lately, though, some of my comments on the entries have been vanishing even though nothing was wrong with them...

Anyways, great to hear that Zac's been having such a good time in Hawaii. I'm looking forward to when the adventure continues!

Safe journey,

July 16, 2008 at 4:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Zac,
Love the photos and we are looking forward to reading about your time in Hawaii, as well as future stops.

You have a special gift for sharing your experiences. Keep up the positive attitude.

We wish you a safe journey to your next destination.

Linda and Bill
Washington DC

July 16, 2008 at 4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was wondering when you start moderating. Good luck for the next leg

July 16, 2008 at 4:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I can not imagine that anyone would have something negitive to say about any of this. I think a strong family connection is why Zac is able to take on such a huge adventure. I would like to see more pics, where they at?

July 16, 2008 at 5:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good to hear from you again. I cannot wait to read what Zac has to say about Hawaii and what lies ahead as he continues his way east.

I also want to applaud Zac's decision to moderate the blog. Hopefully this will make it more enjoyable for all of us.

July 16, 2008 at 5:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Was glad to get an update and the photos were great. Charley and Josh

July 16, 2008 at 5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for setting up the direct link to current position from the blog page. Very helpful and makes it more interesting for our 13 year old to follow the journey.

July 16, 2008 at 5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marianne. I very much agree with your decision and welcome the change to the blog comments feature. Your entire family is obviously very special, and as a fellow mom, I hope that I can follow your lead and be there to encourage and support my own children with their goals and dreams (they are still very young, so right now it's difficult to imagine letting them go off to summer camp, let alone a solo trip around the world by boat!).

Have really enjoyed keeping up with the blog and news articles thus far, and look forward to the ones to come.

Take care - you're in my prayers!

July 16, 2008 at 6:46 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

You go Mom! I'm a mother of a 21 year old and a 17 year old and I am with you! His adventure is challenging enough. He doesn't need all that negative junk. I read Zac's blog everyday and I support his (and your whole family's) effort! I am also a teacher of 6th graders and when school starts I am going to introduce my kids to Zac. I am such a supporter of kids rising to the challenge and taking the lead -even if it means putting some of us "adults" to shame. Go Zac Go!

July 16, 2008 at 6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here! Way to go Zac's mom. I/we fully support your position and as it should be. Congratulations to Zac for enjoying the beauty and fun of Hawaii and getting ready for the rest of his adventure and keeping the world totally involved and mesmerized. Sail on!

July 16, 2008 at 6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have been checking the site daily and was glad to finally see an new entry. Can't wait to hear about the stuff you have been doing on Hawaii and hope you were able to eat lots of good food and get some much needed rest. LOVED the video reports on your cruise into the harbor and your interview! Hope you have a safe launch today and good luck on your leg to the Marshalls!

July 16, 2008 at 7:42 AM  
Blogger Douglas Pistone said...

Hello Zac & Family,

I think it would be great if everyone would keep comments on this blog positive for Zac and his incredible journey around the world. Zac is doing something that I'm sure no one writing in his blog has ever done before. It's always easy to criticize someone when your not the person taking on this kind of challenge especially at the age of sixteen.

Let's keep Zac's journey a positive one and something he can look back on many years from now after his journey is complete and smile while reading all these entries. My personal input is the following. I could have never done something like this at the age of sixteen. I know that I couldn't do it currently at the age of forty eight either. This is really something to think about while writing in Zac's blog.

Zac, get ready to leave beautiful Oaho fully rested and Happy Sailing to the Marshall Islands. Have a great time getting there. As you and I know you're totally qualified for this journey and hopefully you will receive lots of support financially and emotionally through this blog. That's what this BLOG should be about, Emotional Support while at sea all alone with your thoughts and these blogs to keep his sailing and hopefully smiling. I know your smiling right now aren't ya!!!

Take care, have fun, read great blogs, and Sail On Dude.

Douglas Pistone
MDR, California

July 16, 2008 at 7:54 AM  
Blogger utbronco said...

I can't imagine anyone posting any comment that would be anything other that totally supportive of Zac and his family. He is truly an inspiration to so many people both young and old. Those of us that are land locked can only yearn for the sea and the peace that it can bring. Best of luck Zac and to the entire Sunderland family!!! God bless you!!

July 16, 2008 at 7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear all is well with the trip. Keep up the good work! I agree with the comment encouraging positive feedback and a focus of the blog being on the trip and not other issues. I enjoy the posts by Zac, and by Zac only, and I would encourage keeping the blog focused on the trip and Zac's perceptions and thoughts and information about his experiences, and omitting the commentary from others (family, etc.) which changes the blog from a personal travelogue to a newsletter containing multiple perceptions and thoughts of third parties which detracts from the adventure at hand. Slocum and other books on sea adventures are rightfully written in the first person by the traveller, and omit asides and dialogue from anyone else but the person experiencing the trip. For this reason I believe, these books put you there with the traveller, instead of participating in the experience of everyone else not on the trip. Best wishes!

July 16, 2008 at 7:59 AM  
Blogger Daveh said...

Marianne, I've been really busy, and haven't kept up with the blog “comments”, but I'm BLOWN AWAY that someone would say ANYTHING negative or derogatory about Zac and his valiant adventure… Un-real, just appalling.

I believe you met and spoke with my friend Eric that lives in Hawaii, he speaks very highly of you, your family and Zac.

I heard about his surfing with someone through Eric, but I’ll keep that quite and let him share that himself, not to spoil that one for sure… Can’t wait for his update…

Sounds like he had a great time, which he certainly deserves to get some R&R and experience the world he is circling around, my girlfriend and I worry about him only a hair behind you guys (laughing).

As I stated in a prior post to Zac, (during the alcohol stove event and someone was giving him directions on a make shift one, I said don’t do it, follow your intuition on safety, etc..), anyhow, I did a 10,000 mile adventure and learned so much about so many things, including myself, but was NOTHING compared to what he’s doing, my longest leg was 3 days, his so far has been almost 30, quite a difference… I admire him immensely, as do 99.99% of the rest of the world, but….. there’s always that .01% out there…

Take care,

July 16, 2008 at 8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Marianne for your time to post Zak's latest news and yes you should protect Zak from negative comments.

July 16, 2008 at 8:16 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

I am saddened to hear that you have to moderate this forum....

Remember always that no matter the naysayers (and there will always be naysayers), if you follow your heart, you will find yourself where you are supposed to be. If doubt or frustration creep in, think of your family, your friends, your faith. They will help set you back on course (pun intended :P ).

...and, on a less preachy note: you've talked so often in your interviews about Robin Graham's book that I went to the library and got it for my girls. What a great book! I just wished I'd have found it when they were younger.

Take care,

Sacramento, CA

...wish I was in Hawaii...it has been sooo smokey here...

July 16, 2008 at 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marianne,
It was wonderful to read your update on your visit with Zac. I'm sure he's well prepared to continue his adventure once the solar panel issue is taken care of. I'm sorry that you had to initiate the "moderation" feature on the blog, but I completely understand and support your decision.
Looking forward; I wish you and your family the best and can't wait to hear from Zac once he's back on the high seas.
Melanie from Torrance

July 16, 2008 at 8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Life is about having fun. Have fun. It was good to have a catch up from you mom, and I am really sorry to hear that some people can not leave well enough alone. I am looking forward to you up date, but am wondering if you could share about you sun panels and what happened. Also, I just finish the book you suggested about the boy who sailed around the world. It is a good read. Have you thought about getting a cat or two? Good to know you are getting ready to blog some more. I really have missed your thoughts.

Have a great addtional day, fun and sun and fish.


July 16, 2008 at 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really soory to hear about your problems with the comments. Happens so often - some people are just, well, you know. This is a great thing Zac is doing no matter how it comes out; and the more you read what Zac writes, the more clear it becomes on just how much of an incredible young man he is. Keep sailing Zac, and don't pay any attention to the nay-sayers.
Steve P, yuma AZ

July 16, 2008 at 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what others said, but it's sad you have to moderate posts on a sailing blog. Zac is doing something I always wanted to do after reading "The Dove" in the 70's! What a great adventure and he will forever be a changed man. Best of luck and please continue the updates.

July 16, 2008 at 9:21 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

Zac & Mom, For someone to attempt to degrade this adventure shows ignorance of the difficulty. I am following along and enjoying every day's notes from Zac. At 70 years of age I could not attempt such an endeavor but feel close to it as a result. Best of luck young man. As a matter of fact: Zac, YOU ARE THE MAN!!


July 16, 2008 at 9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived aboard and sailed with my parents during the years I would have been in high school. They were some of the best years of my life. I clearly remember reading the book Dove and respecting what he did.

Now, as a parent, when I heard 16 yr. old Zac was going to attempt this I thought "too young!" but only because my 19 yr old would not be emotionally equipped to do such a thing.

Upon further thinking about it I realize if he truly had a passion for this, that even though it was dangerous it could be one of the best things in his life and I would have to let him go. So Kudos to Zac and I enjoy reading the blog with everyone else as he goes on the adventure of a lifetime.

July 16, 2008 at 9:52 AM  
Blogger Marilyn said...


I looked for a comment about the second link where you posted the news stories about Zac while in Hawaii, but didn't see mention of the mistake made in the link by any other bloggers. Instead of going to Zac's story, the link goes to a story about an 18 year old murderer who caused an accident and killed two women. I'm sure you will want to get that one replaced and the right one added. I thought it might be my computer, so I closed my browser and tried again, and it kept going to that story. It's the middle of the three links to the Hawaii articles. The other two work just fine.

Woodland Hills

July 16, 2008 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

moderation is sometimes necessary. Not a problem.

Good luck Zac.



July 16, 2008 at 10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Zac!
You are doing a fantastic bit of single-handed sailing. Keep it up. Have you or your parents thought of daily posting your positions and information with YOTREPS? Other ships and sailors who monitor boatwatch, winlink and yotreps in the areas you pass through would know your location.Just a thought.
Perry K5PCA

July 16, 2008 at 10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Zac-er-man
now that's what i call a homework assignment, homeschooling is the best...helps us to learn how to learn...
thanks marianne for the update... and being motherly wise
you and "team sunderland", must have been so proud as you wisked home in a mere 5 and 1/2 hours what it took Zac 26+ days, truly amazing and mind boggeling, you're prayers were truly answered...
the "naysayers" that have been hittng the blog, are the same ones complaining how long it takes to go through security at the airport.
on the positive side Zac, you've got a full moon to sail under, that'll be great
and you'll be crossing the "international dateline" , hope you have a "little" something special to celebrate with... or a blast or two of the "airhorn will do... LOL..
hope you pick up a bag or two of "poi" it has the highest concentration of vitamin "a", green coconuts are good to they keep for ever at sea and you can drink or cook with the milk inside...hmmmmm "ono"...= good in hawaiian...
take care my friend
your in our prayers
mark n adino in vicksburg, ms.

July 16, 2008 at 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are going to Zuma today and you are starting to sail again today. We will think of you and pray for you as we look out over the big blue. It will be great to have the wind and sea air to breathe in.
Have a blessed day.
Kristi and kids

July 16, 2008 at 10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back again!
We will continue to encourage you to fullfill your dream.

July 16, 2008 at 11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t wait to hear that you have started out to the Marshal Islands. The few days with you being on shore with no posts has brought me face to face with the realization that I am a zacaholic. OK, I admit it. I check your site and blog several times a day. It is just soo— interesting!

Thanks for getting your homework done!


July 16, 2008 at 11:12 AM  
Blogger johnnyBgood said...

zac -- enjoy your last hay in waikiki. you remain in our prayers for a safe and successful journey.
john baker/hollywood/ca/USofA

July 16, 2008 at 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The world is full of all different kinds of people - it's too bad that people can't be tolerant, accept others and be happy for others. Don't let the "downers" get to you - your supporters out number them. Can't wait to read your next blog.

Minnesota Family

July 16, 2008 at 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zac's parents should be commended for their efforts. Truth is, there are a million Zac's in this world, but only few parents who would (or could) donate the amount of time, money, academic flexibility, etc, that Zac's parents have given him. Zac's parents are true inspirations! If only there were more parents out there like them, we'd see many more kids achieve truly astounding feats.

July 16, 2008 at 11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, Marianne! Being the Mother of 6, I totally understand that protective instinct!

So glad that you had a good visit and I know how hard it must have been for you to say "Goodbye."

I'm sure that Zac is getting anxious, especially with your departure, to be on his way, and we can't wait for him to get back on the high seas once again.

Good sailing, Zac....we all look forward to your daily commentary.

Nancy in Palm Springs, CA

July 16, 2008 at 11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the comments section is only hereto be a cheer-leading squad, this blog is going to get boring.

July 16, 2008 at 11:49 AM  
Blogger Clint said...

I have no idea why, I don't sale, (see I don't even spell it right!!!!) but I am a "zacolyte" also. Zac, man you have inspired me to loose weight. You are a motivator. Many anounce their goals - I guess what is different about you is you are DOING IT! Way to go man, be safe. God Bless.

July 16, 2008 at 11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Zac,

Thanks for the great blog & website. As an "armchair traveler" now, I'll be following your blog religiously. I've read "The Dove" and "Maiden Voyage" in the past, and will (vicariously) solo circumnavigate a third time with you and Intrepid.

I am a bit of a gear-freak, so the video where you described all of the upgrades that went into the Islander 36 was fascinating. Which cost more; the boat or the upgrades? In my mind, the most important piece of equipment has to be the Iridium satellite phone. Nothing worries a parent more than a scheduled phone contact that can't be made. A few years ago I traveled around the world solo on a bicycle. There was a 3-day stretch when my daily SMS messages were not received back home. My folks envisioned me in a ditch on the side of a road. Not good. Keep the Iridium charged up, and in good working condition. I know that you have a cell phone (quad-band GSM, I hope), EPIRB, SPOT, and SSB, but that sat-phone will surely ease Mom & Dad's minds.

The mind game on an adventure like this is just that, a game. Enjoy all of the milestones (equator, date line, new oceans, furthest point south, mileage, etc.). The greatest milestone is the point at which you are no longer sailing away from home, but sailing toward home. It's all downhill (downwind?) after that.

Sleep well in Hawaii, and enjoy the next leg.

July 16, 2008 at 12:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous said...
If the comments section is only here to be a cheer-leading squad, this blog is going to get boring.

That statement deserves an answer. As long as Zac writes about his daily travels, joys, fears and hopes, this blog can NEVER get boring.

However one must seperate Zac's posts from the comments section.

The purpose of a blog is to encourage interaction. If one does not want feedback, then one writes a newsletter, not a blog. Zac's remarks are the newsletter part of the blog. The comments are the readers part of the formula.

If the comment section is only a cheerleading section, then yes, the comment section gets boring. The reactions of the different readers, their personal remarks, their asides, are what make the comments interesting. However the postings by Zac is the glue that holds everything together. The comments are just the proof that the content (Zac's writing) is having an effect on people. The interaction between the posters is proof of just how much that writing is having an effect. The exchanging of emails between the posters is proof of how important this whole process is.

The moderation of the posts, removing the profane but still allowing a free flow of ideas, is what makes it worthwhile for everyone.

So sail on Zac and write your posts as we landlubbers need something to talk about besides your haircut or lack thereof.

Godspeed. Bill Mann

July 16, 2008 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger sgkuhner said...

Were your parents able to bring you some surgical tubing to use when you are trolling a fishing line? If not let me know where your next port of call will be and I will send some to you. You will be amazed about how many more fish you will land if you attach your fishing line to the the end of the surgical tube and cleat the other end to the aft deck. The when the fish strikes, you will hear the reel click as the line pays out but the surgical tubing will slowly take up the slack and if the fish tries to throw the hook, the tubing will contract and not let him do it. I can't tell you how helpful it was for us on our circumnavigation.

July 16, 2008 at 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zac: We can't wait to hear about your Waikiki 'land adventure'.

July 16, 2008 at 1:35 PM  
Blogger Daryl said...

I really appreciate seeing pictures, such as those posted recently. It's fun to see them in the media, too. Once again, that Baby Ben certainly is a handsome tot! I get a big kick out of seeing him :)

July 16, 2008 at 1:40 PM  
Blogger guyer-amy said...

Zac, we are a homeschooling family in KY. We are very interested in your trip. My daughter, Anna, is from Majuro, RMI, and we can't wait to see pictures of your stop there.


July 16, 2008 at 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this journal as often as I can and to the parents of this guy I'd like to say that you have an amazing son. It's good to see someone like Zac doing something so positive.

Zac, keep up the good work and continue to follow your dreams, don't listen to the people who try to bring you down - there will always be people like that. You just have to let their comments make you stronger and give you more drive to get to where you want to go so you can tell them "see I made it"

July 16, 2008 at 2:30 PM  
Blogger Daveh said...

I've exchanged a few eMails with some of the bloggers here and thought I'd share this perspective.

Some are sad that "moderation" had to start, but most are fine with it for obvious reasons.

Some are frustrated that this subject has taken up so many entries today and it’s become a “cheerleading” blog, which some feel Zac doesn’t need it and it indirectly keeps putting a negative undertone…

My thoughts are…

It’s an expected reaction, a lot of people are very emotionally tied to this, the daily entries make them/us feel like we are very much a part of the experience, which prior to technology, this wasn’t possible…. You had to wait until the adventure was over and a book “eventually” showed up on the shelf 3-5 years later…

Today, it’s real-time… This makes this MUCH more personal for all of us here…

The noise post (mine included) will settle down by the weekend and we’ll all be back to reading about Zac and our short comments from his community of virtual friends that feel almost like family…

This is a really fun thing to be involved with…


July 16, 2008 at 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Zac,

Best of luck to you. I check your blog every day.

If I could wish for one thing, it would be a link on the blog page to take me to the map page.

I have the blog set up in RSS and there is no way to get to the map.

It must not be possible or you would have done it already I'm sure.

Anyway, good luck fella and have fun.

Meridian, Idaho

July 16, 2008 at 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Zac "your the man"

the boat looked great in the news video clip, especially the name "Intrepid"..along the side and how you all designed the fiberglass dodger...looks sweet...

any chance of giving us your "sailing headings" everyday so we can chart along with you

it'll feel good to get back on the open ocean and leave waikiki in the rear view mirror... get your sea legs back and be one with the ocean again...

carrying along all us hitchiking new "friends"... thanks for being gracious to us

in a country where many places have curfews for 16 year olds isn't it great to be breaking all the molds and stereotypes... you're a great inspiration for us all, and motivator to "get out of the box"... thanks Zac...

"541" days till January 9th 2010

take care my friend mark n adino

July 16, 2008 at 3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Mom Marianne! I had no idea that people were saying disrespectful things on here. I agree that everyone should be nothing but positive and encouraging. Sad but I guess it is a reality. Thank you for taking care of your boy ! All the best.
Chris, Alhambra,CA

July 16, 2008 at 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Power to you, young man! I am so envious of such a wonderful adventure. We old folks are all living vicariously through you. And hats off to your terrific parents. Its a show of support I wish all young people could get.

I mentor young folks in the local high schools looking for high tech careers. With a few tools, education, experience and encouragement, each can be a winner on so many levels.

YOU are an inspiration, Zac. Thanks for your daily descriptions of your journey. Its the first thing I look at every morning.


July 16, 2008 at 4:15 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...


I felt so sad that you had to leave Hawaii before Zac does. My heart tugs, but I know you will have many a get together during his journey, and many goodbyes, so I guess isn't ever to be easy.

This next leg of the trip is going to be hard for me to watch. It was such an emotional thing to be a part of Zac's first leg of the trip. But is was great knowing he was in familiar water, and geography.

Now he goes of to places I am not knowledgeable about, and sails further away, so I will need to be more diligent in prayer, and positive to him in blogging.

But knowing how grounded, mature, and smart he is, plus the enormous family support he has, he will do great. I wish you all the best as this begins again.

I know you had a great time in Hawaii, and will that time to your family memories.


July 16, 2008 at 5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the comment section is that people are romanticizing this voyage. Sailing is not all fun and games. There may be many times in the next year where he will have to make a decision that could ultimately be the cause of ending the trip or allow it to continue. Daily public pressure from “Zacolytes” could very well cloud the judgment of a 16 year old. People who "blue water" sail know that any voyage could end on the rocks or in disaster through one wrong judgment call. Even faith in the latest gadgets for safety could turn out to be a mistake. Search the internet, you will find many examples of terminated circumnavigations. High expectations from the general public, while meant well, could turn into a liability. Likewise, with all the money raised for this and the personal donations, pressure to try to go on rather than disappoint the sponsors and public could cloud anyone’s judgment. The novelty here is the sailor’s age, not the fact that he wants to sail around the world.

July 16, 2008 at 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My offer still stands for the fishing gear. Let me know.

July 16, 2008 at 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok Team Sunderland,
sorry to hear of the rude and crude comments being made.
Maybe this will balance the good and bad.
At 16 yrs. of age Zac has made a greater impact on this earth than I have in my 41 years. I have always wanted to sail. I just never got around to it. I even fantisized of sailing around the world. Last Sunday I took my 9 year old son down to Mission Bay and rented a small sailboat. We spent 2 hrs. on the bay. I told my son about Zac and his adventure. When Zac completes his trip and writes his book i am going to buy it to give to my son. I know it will inspire him (my son). Anyway after 2 hrs. on Mission Bay this novice sailor has even more respect for Zac.
cudos Petty Officer 3rd class Tim, Vetern U.S. Navy

July 16, 2008 at 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so blessed! Thanks for sharing your beautiful way of life.
Best regards from Brazil.

July 16, 2008 at 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear you have had to go to a moderator. Know you are doing the right thing. I am thrilled you are not letting this discourage you from having a blog.
I check in on Zac daily. My young boys are so excited to follow Zac progress. We pray for Zac's safety and strength have really enjoyed the privledge to follow along.

Fair winds and following seas Zac!

The Key Family

July 16, 2008 at 7:54 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

Marianne, Zac,

I agree with your decision to moderate. I come here to be uplifted by you and your family and your expedition. It's like being a child again, to learn something new for the first time, following along with you every day. (I have your blog set to be my home page when I log onto my computer.)

Detractors and negativity are not part of the joy of experiencing this journey with you all!

This is so exciting!!!

July 16, 2008 at 8:10 PM  
Blogger Scot said...


I have a suggestion. Someone else suggested it too. I (we) think it would be interesting, and maybe fun, if we had a guest map on the blog. My wife and I have an international website and we have one.

This would enable everyone following Zac to mark their location in the world. A "Where in the world are you?"....sort of thing.

I suggested that people just put their location in their posts and many are doing that but I like the idea of a visual better.

At any rate, you can google "guest maps" and Google happens to have one you can put on Zac's site or on the blog. Let me know if you need any help.


July 16, 2008 at 8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is to Mom - Marianne:

It's unfortunate that it's necessary to moderate the comments. Your reasons make perfect sense and Mr. Stover's comments prove that you have support out here.

It's a sad commentary on the state of some minds that some of the comments Zac and your family have apparently received. I have to suspect that such is motivated by jealousy from those who have concluded that they have done little to realize their own potential and make a mark on the world.

There are, and always be a majority who admire the ambition of Zac and his courage to pursue it. Sadly, there will also always be that other group who want to spoil everyone's parade because they don't have one.

Pay no attention to those tacky people. They are not worth anyone's attention -- and they know it -- that's their problem.

July 16, 2008 at 8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are obviously loving and supportive parents, but with your interesting choice of which blog comments to include, it appears you are now working a little too hard to convince us (and perhaps yourselves?) that you are doing the right thing.

"Accomplished sailor & navigator: COULD HE BE THE YOUNGEST SOLO CIRCUMNAVIGATOR ?"

Just imagine; in a year or two Ben could do it as well?!!! You are perpetuating and supporting an inappropriate goal for a minor child. Please, stop this insanity before it is too late.

July 16, 2008 at 9:23 PM  
Blogger Phoebe said...

Hi! I'm Phoebe and I'm 17 years old. I've been commenting on Zac's blog since he began his adventure and I think it is amazing! I love sailing and it has been unreal to kind of "be there" on his journey. But I wanted to write to the parents of Zac. I really think what you both have done is amazing, in terms of letting your child pursue his dreams...letting him be who he is and allowing him to fulfill his passions...what he has been put on this earth to do. Most parents don't really let their children just be who they are, but it seems as though you have definitely accomplished this. Zac is an inspiration, but I wanted to recognize both of you for helping to make this dream of his become reality. Hope everyone in your family is doing great at home!
Love, Phoebe

July 16, 2008 at 9:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ahoy Zac!
My my!! I thought I was the only person to be affected by Zacomania!. Glad to see many have been affected.

Good sailing Mate.

Tuticorin ,India.

July 16, 2008 at 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cHey Zac!

You're doing a great thing.

Screw those envious negative fools who never get out of their armchairs.

I wish you fair winds and smooth sailing.

July 17, 2008 at 8:39 AM  
Blogger Mi said...

I'm a 52 y.o. woman in NC, and I love the site, and everyting Zac and his parents contribute. I'll keep a watch as long as he is out there!

July 19, 2008 at 3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am catching up on the blog, Zac, and read that people have been posting nasty stuff. Not surprising. There are people such as yourself who get out and enjoy life and accomplish things which create great memories for life, and there are those who are jealous and envious of people like you who will berate you because they've made bad decisions in life such as illegal drug use or criminal behavior.

I'm with you, Zac. You'll have great life long memories and you have a supporting family which makes life so much better.

Although I wish I could be there to see you arrive in Hawaii, I can't, so maybe when you return to the USA !

Your description of the booby bird was great. Thanks for that.


July 23, 2008 at 9:49 AM  

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